Dangerous infections during pregnancy promptly buy Doxycycline

Infectious process - is a pathological process caused by micro-organisms are: protozoa, bacteria and viruses, also called "infection". Most diseases are somehow related with microorganisms and their effects on the human body. The most dangerous infection to the body with a reduced immune response, as in this case, even a slight infection of can lead to serious consequences look at more info.

Immunity may be reduced for many reasons, such as reduced immunity during pregnancy is a physiological process, necessary for normal development of the fetus and to prevent rejection of his mother's body. Therefore, during pregnancy the mother is extremely vulnerable and susceptible to the action of various microorganisms.

However, the infection is dangerous not only for the mother's body. Not just yet, sometimes it is more dangerous to the fetus body. Do not diagnosed infections can lead to infertility, abortion and recurrent miscarriage, the formation of defects and anomalies, fetal death. Mothers need to know what the infection is dangerous and what to do in case of a pregnancy or whether to interrupt her disease, prolong, what we should be ready, what can and what can not be treated. To do this, you must be under the constant supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Bacterial infections which may be the most dangerous for the mother and the fetus:

1. Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) - found in 40% of women, pregnant or not. The most frequent manifestation - urethritis. Also in women can cause: Bartolini, endocervite, endometritis, salpingitis, pelvioperitonit. Sometimes it can cause ectopic pregnancy (in the case of long-standing low-intensity process that caused the adhesions in the fallopian tubes and obstruction). It may lead to a termination of pregnancy in the early stages; if untreated, can give a fairly severe complications: fetal malnutrition (his development delay), premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis. Rarely can cause fetal death. Children born to mothers with chlamydia bolevshih occurs: conjunctivitis (chlamydial ophthalmia) in 20% of cases, pharyngitis, vulvovaginitis and urethritis, proctitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

2. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea) - an infectious disease that affects mainly the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract caused by gonococcus and is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The disease is manifested in the 3-7 days after infection; It can occur acutely or chronically. It is characterized by mucus, pus, a burning sensation and pain in the terminal portion of the urethral channel, frequent urination very painful. Half of the infected symptoms can not be observed, particularly early in the disease. The most susceptible to such disease flow women. Infection of the fetus most often occurs in utero. The second possible route - during childbirth. The following manifestations in the fetus and newborn: gonococcal sepsis in the newborn, chorioamnionitis; gonococcal conjunctivitis, otitis externa and vulvovaginitis, neonatal ophthalmia - highly contagious and prognostically dangerous for the newborn, which can lead to blindness. Less common in children born to mothers with gonorrhea, meningitis and arthritis.

3. Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis) - is that they get sick 180 million people every year! Dispatched usually sexually transmitted, and not infrequently combined with gonococcus, chlamydia, ureaplasma, fungal lesions. In women, it causes lesions urogenital organs, causing: vaginitis, vulvitis, urethritis, endocervite. Children possible contamination from sick mothers, often during childbirth. They are characterized by vulvovaginitis and urethritis, non-specific symptoms.

4. Mycoplasma hominis (mycoplasma) and Ureaplasma urealyticum (Ureaplasma) - is without microbial cell walls, making them resistant to antibiotics. They are often isolated in a separate group, standing between viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Immunity is not resistant to them, occurs during pregnancy was more likely than non-pregnant. Mycoplasma in women can cause vaginitis, urethritis and endotservitsitov. There may be a cause of interruption, delay development, the formation of fetal malformations - often with massive infection and acute ongoing process. Ureaplasmosis in women is characterized by a clear discharge from the genital tract, if inflammation of the uterus and appendages, characteristic clinical manifestation of which is pain in the lower abdomen. For the fetus and newborn is especially dangerous at a titer above 104, promoting abortion in early pregnancy, intrauterine growth retardation (VZRP), the development of reactive ureaplasmosis in newborns.

5. Streptococus agalactiae (Group B streptococci) - Representative of the vaginal flora in most women, most often asymptomatic flows. However, during pregnancy they can play quite a serious, negative role. Although it should be mentioned that in most cases this infection does not lead to any serious pathological processes. It can be transmitted to the fetus and newborn. Specific vaccine exists for them. It can cause severe disease, until sepsis. For Mother's dangerous: endometritis, sepsis, urinary tract infection, meningitis, abdominal abscesses, endocarditis, and necrotizing fasciitis. For the newborn: stillbirth, a violation of the respiratory function, the primary focus sepsis without meningitis.

6. Lysteria monocytogenes (Listeria) - can produce serious complications in the body of the newborn, as it can pass through the fetoplacental barrier (the barrier between the mother's body and the child, which prevents the passage of damaging agents to the fetus).

7. Treponema pallidum (Treponema pallidum - the causative agent of Lewis (syphilis)) - in pregnant women does not occur more often than in non-pregnant women. Pretty dangerous to the fetus. In the absence of monitoring of women during pregnancy may occur in 89% of newborns. Transfer to the fetus can proyzoyti transplatsentrano may occur during childbirth (vertical transmission). When zarozhenii possible formation of congenital syphilis - the early and late, characterized by a large number of complications.

8. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis, "tubercle bacillus") - most commonly activated in pregnant women with a history of tuberculosis, or being a carrier.