Eating Disorder use Elavil

Any eating disorder can be a cause of serious health problems. Typically, it is based on psychological factors. Therefore, you must get rid of them in conjunction with specialists.

Experts know that an eating disorder can manifest itself in different ways. Tactics of treatment in each case should be individualized. It will depend on the diagnosis and the patient's condition.

The most popular types of disorders are:

  • compulsive overeating;

  • bulimia;

  • anorexia.

You can not always recognize the people who are affected by some of these disorders. For example, in bulimia nervosa weight may be normal or slightly below the lower boundary. But people do not understand that they have an eating disorder buy elavil online. Treatment, in their opinion, they do not need. It is dangerous to any condition in which a person tries to draw up rules of supply and strictly adheres to them. For example, a complete refusal to eat after 16 hours, severe restriction or complete rejection of the use of fats, including vegetable, should be alerted.

Characteristic signs of bulimia

But in people with mental disorders in the food soil can develop not only anorexia. Specialists can diagnose such neurological diseases as bulimia. In this condition, patients are no longer periodically monitor how much they eat. They arise bouts of gluttony. Once completed overeating, discomfort occurs in patients. There is pain in the stomach, nausea, frequent vomiting episodes of binge eating are completed. The guilt for this behavior, hostility to themselves and even cause depression of this eating disorder.

Eliminate the consequences of such patients try eating with the help of vomiting, gastric lavage or taking laxatives. Suspected development of this problem can be if a person pursuing the thought of food, he having frequent episodes of overeating, he occasionally feels the craving for food. bulimic episodes often alternate with anorexia. If untreated, this disease can lead to rapid weight loss, but it violates the established balance in the body. As a result, there are serious complications in some cases and possible death.

Symptoms of compulsive overeating. Analyzing how to get rid of an eating disorder, many people forget that such problems are not limited to bulimia and anorexia. Physicians faced with such a disease as compulsive overeating. It is in its manifestations resembles bulimia. But the difference is that people who suffer from it, there is no regular discharges. Such patients not taking diuretics, or laxatives, themselves do not cause vomiting.

In this disease may alternate bouts of binge eating and periods of self-restraint in eating. Although in most cases between binge people are constantly a little something to eat. It is because this is a significant weight gain. This psychological problem some may occur only occasionally and be short. For example, this is how some people react to stress, as if seizing issues. With the help of the food people suffering from compulsive overeating, looking for an opportunity to have fun and give yourself a new pleasant sensations.

Problems among adolescents

Very often an eating disorder begins in adolescence. The body of the child significant hormonal changes occur, the appearance becomes different. At the same time changes and psychological atmosphere in the team - at this time it is important for children to look as accepted, not to go beyond established standards.

Most teens are concerned about their appearance, and the background of this, they can develop a variety of psychological problems. If the family did not give enough time to the development of an objective, self-esteem in a child is not vaccinated healthy attitude to food, there is a risk that he will arise eating disorder. In children and adolescents is a disease often develops on the background of low self-esteem. This followed in the continuation of a fairly long time, unable to hide all of the parents.

Develop these problems, as a rule, at the age of 11-13 years - during puberty. These teens concentrate all attention to their appearance. For them it is the only tool that allows you to gain confidence in themselves. Many parents are reinsured, fearing that their child has started eating disorder. In adolescents, it is difficult to define the line between normal concern appearance and pathological condition in which it is time to sound the alarm. Parents should start to worry if they see that the child:

  • he is trying not to attend the event, which will be a feast;

  • he spends a lot of time to exercise with a view to burn calories;

  • too unhappy with their appearance;

  • uses laxatives and diuretics;

  • obsessed with weight control;

  • too scrupulously monitors calorie foods and portion sizes.

But many parents think that eating disorder in children can not be. However, they in their teens 13-15 years continue to consider kids, turning a blind eye to the evolving disease.

Possible consequences of eating disorders

Underestimate the problem, which can cause these symptoms, it is impossible. After all, they not only adversely affect the health, but also can cause death. Bulimia, anorexia as to cause dehydration, kidney failure, and heart disease. With frequent vomiting, which leads to a lack of nutrients, may develop such problems:

  • kidney damage and stomach;

  • feeling of constant pain in the abdomen;

  • caries (it starts because of the constant exposure to gastric juices);

  • lack of potassium (leading to heart problems and can cause death);

  • amenorrhea;

  • the appearance of "hamster" cheeks (due to abnormal increase of the salivary glands).

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the sooner you can get rid of it. In severe cases even require hospitalization.

Psychological help.

Many people with apparent eating disorders believe that they have no problems. But it is impossible to remedy the situation without medical assistance. You can not on their own to figure out how to conduct psychotherapy of eating disorders. If the patient resists and refuses treatment, you may need psychiatric help. With an integrated approach can help a person get rid of the problems. After all, with severe violations of a psychotherapy is not enough. In this case, the appointed and medication.

Psychotherapy should be directed to the person working on their own way. He must begin to adequately assess and take his body. Adjust as necessary attitude to food. But it is important to study the causes that led to such a breach. Specialists who work with people suffering from eating disorders, they say that their patients are overly sensitive and prone to frequent occurrences of negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, sadness.

For them, any restriction in food or overeating, excessive exercise are a way to temporarily relieve the condition. They need to learn to manage their emotions and feelings, without it will not be able to overcome an eating disorder. How to treat this disease, it is necessary to deal with a specialist. But the primary goal of therapy is to develop a patient the right way of life.

Worst of work to get rid of the problem comes from those who have difficult family relationships or constant stress in the workplace. Therefore, therapists should work on relations with others. The sooner people understand that he has a problem, the easier it will get rid of it.