Female infertility associated with anovulation

Types of female infertility

Female infertility - the inability of women to conceive a child. About female infertility say, if within a year of active sex life without the use of contraceptives a woman can not get pregnant (assuming that her partner has with male health problems).

  • Primary infertility - the complete absence of pregnancy in a woman's life when a regular sexual life without contraception;

  • Secondary infertility - the presence in the last pregnancy, but the lack of it at the moment, after 12 months of regular sexual life without contraception;

  • Absolute sterility - the impossibility of getting pregnant, for example, due to the absence of the ovaries, the uterus, the other anomaly of female genital mutilation.

Causes of female infertility

The main cause of female infertility associated with impaired ovulation, that is, the maturation of the egg. Typically, these violations are related to irregular production of hormones that control the development of the egg click this link here now where to buy clomid?. In some cases this is the result of damage to the ovaries (e.g., when ovarian cyst).

Second place in the spread of the frequency occupied by the defects of the fallopian tubes (30%). Fallopian tubes may be clogged or damaged. The reason for this may be spikes that occur after surgical interventions in the peritoneal cavity, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, inflammation of the appendages, endometritis. The egg meets a sperm in the fallopian tube, and if the pipe is blocked, then fertilization can not occur.

Another cause of female infertility are problems with the cervical canal. Normally, it should be completely filled with mucus necessary for movement of sperm on the cervix to the egg. If the mucus is small, it is too viscous or has impaired chemical composition, the sperm will be difficult to get to the uterus. Typically, this problem is associated with the presence of female genital infections, changes in the activity of slime glands, inflammation and cervical erosion.

Another cause of infertility in women are the immunological problems associated with the appearance of cervical mucus substances that can damage or kill sperm.

Female infertility can also be caused by various defects of the uterus: inflammation, malformations, tumors and tumor formation.

It can cause infertility endometriosis (40-50% of cases), the disease that are not related directly to the reproductive system (diabetes, adrenal disease, thyroid, etc.).

In addition, every woman should understand that the probability to conceive decreases with age. The negative impact on the reproductive function can have alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, poor environment, poor diet.

Diagnosis of female infertility

Selecting the method of diagnosis of female infertility depends on the presumed causes that led to it.

To diagnose problems in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system uses all the clinical and laboratory methods, biochemical, urine, blood, X-ray of the skull. Value also represent the results of measurement of basal body temperature.

Furthermore, use of endometrial biopsy, which enables to install the functionality of the endometrium. Running an ultrasound scan of endometrial thickness and growth of follicles during the menstrual cycle. Used and laparoscopic study.

For the diagnosis of female infertility associated with a variety of gynecological diseases, the woman should be observed for a long time at the gynecologist, who is conducting a survey on the tests of functional diagnostics, determines the level of progesterone, by hysteroscopy clarifies the nature and location of adhesions, detects the presence of intrauterine adhesions and thinning.

To diagnose an immune factor infertility, is used for this post-coital test. It is especially difficult to diagnose tubal infertility. To do this, carefully we study the history of women, used bacteriological methods of investigation, a colposcopy, hysterosalpingography, kimograficheskaya perturbation, roentgenokymography, laparoscopy, radioisotope scan, mikrobiopsiya fallopian tubes.

Female Infertility Treatment

Treatment of female infertility, which is caused by endocrine disorders, may be used depending on the location and nature of the disease. With symptoms of infantilism and the hypothalamic-pituitary hormone deficiency apply.

Women with hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, treatment is given depending on the level of certain hormones. At a high level of prolactin hormone therapy to decrease prolactin held products and the background of this is performed ovulation stimulation that allows a woman to become pregnant.

In order to stimulate ovulation are also used physical therapy methods such as cervical-facial ionogalvanizatsiya with vitamins B6 and E, endonasal electrophoresis, ultrasound, electrical stimulation of the cervix, and others. With the lack of ovarian function is performed cyclic therapy sex hormones. If there is no effect, then apply the surgical treatment followed by hormone therapy.

When endocrine infertility along with traditional methods of treatment are also used phytotherapeutic methods. When hormonal infertility treatment effect increases the mud, carbonic baths, gymnastic exercises that improve blood circulation in the female genitals.

For the treatment of female infertility associated with gynecological diseases, carried out the destruction of adhesions in the uterus immediately after the regular monthly cyclic hormone therapy and is used for several cycles. Immunological infertility treatment is carried out by correcting the immune status, the purpose of which is to reduce the production of antibodies by the body of women to male sperm. In addition appointed antibiotics to reduce the number of sperm antibodies that arise in the dormant infection of female genital tract.

Non-pharmacological means of therapy with immunologic infertility is a mechanical method of contraception for 6 months in order to avoid contact of the antigen and the female genital organs. Furthermore, in such situations for the treatment of female infertility used intrauterine colonization when administered male semen directly into the uterus to prevent sperm contact with cervical mucus.

Tubal infertility treatment begins with conservative therapy: sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, correction of hormonal disorders, antibiotic therapy, psychotherapy, physiotherapy. If then there is no improvement, then apply surgical techniques or a method of in vitro fertilization.