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a carregar...
', {}); $.get(url, function(data){ // create a modal dialog with the data $('#modalContent').html(data); }); reportAjaxStats('modal', 'view'); } // This function report the ajax request to stats events if enabled in your account // function reportAjaxStats(category, action) { //if (pageTracker._trackEvent) { // pageTracker._trackEvent(category, action); //} } function bindTogglePlusMinus(img_id, link_id, container_id) { $(document).ready(function (){ $('#'+link_id).bind('click', function() { if ($('#'+img_id).attr("src") == plus){ $('#'+img_id).attr("src", minus); }else{ $('#'+img_id).attr("src", plus); } $('#'+container_id).slideToggle("fast"); return false; } ); }); } /*/ * JSOC - An object Cache framework for JavaScript * version 0.12.0 [beta] * * version: 0.12.0 /*/ JSOC = function(){ var Cache = {}; return { "get":function(n){ var obj = {}, val = Cache[n]; obj[n] = val; if(val) return obj; }, "getMulti":function(l){ var a = []; for (var k in l) a.push(this.get(l[k])); return a; }, "getType":function(t){ var a = []; for (var o in Cache) if(typeof(Cache[o])==t.toLowerCase()){a.push(this.get(o))} return a; }, "set":function(n,v){ if(Cache[n]) delete(Cache[n]); Cache[n]=v; if (arguments[2]){ var ttl = arguments[2].ttl || null; if(ttl) var self = this, to = setTimeout(function(){self.remove(n)}, ttl); } return (Cache[n])?1:0; }, "add":function(n,v){ if(!Cache[n]){ Cache[n]=v; if (arguments[2]){ var ttl = arguments[2].ttl || null; if(ttl) var self = this, to = setTimeout(function(){self.remove(n)}, ttl); } return (Cache[n])?1:0; } }, "replace":function(n,v){ if(Cache[n]){ delete(Cache[n]); Cache[n]=v; if (arguments[2]){ var ttl = arguments[2].ttl || null; if(ttl) var self = this, to = setTimeout(function(){self.remove(n)}, ttl); } return (Cache[n])?1:0; } }, "remove":function(n){ delete(Cache[n]); return (!Cache[n])?1:0; }, "flush_all":function(){ for(var k in Cache) delete(Cache[k]); return 1; } } } /************************************** Tooltips functions ***************************************/ /** Stronglky modified, onky works with DOM2 compatible browsers. Ricardo Galli From */ if (typeof(JSOC) != "undefined") { // create the tooltip object function tooltip(){} // setup properties of tooltip object"tooltip"; tooltip.main=null; tooltip.offsetx = 10; tooltip.offsety = 10; tooltip.shoffsetx = 8; tooltip.shoffsety = 8; tooltip.x = 0; tooltip.y = 0; tooltip.tooltipText=null; tooltip.title_saved=''; tooltip.saveonmouseover=null; tooltip.timeout = null; = false; tooltip.cache = new JSOC(); = (document.all)? true:false; // check if ie if( tooltip.ie5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0); else tooltip.ie5 = false; tooltip.dom2 = ((document.getElementById) && !(tooltip.ie5))? true:false; // check the W3C DOM level2 compliance. ie4, ie5, ns4 are not dom level2 compliance !! grrrr >:-( } /** * Open ToolTip. The title attribute of the htmlelement is the text of the tooltip * Call this method on the mouseover event on your htmlelement * ex :
*/ = function (event, text) { // we save text of title attribute to avoid the showing of tooltip generated by browser if (this.dom2 == false ) return false; if (this.tooltipText == null) { this.tooltipText = document.createElement("div"); this.tooltipText.setAttribute("id", "tooltip-text"); document.body.appendChild(this.tooltipText); } this.saveonmouseover=document.onmousemove; document.onmousemove = this.mouseMove; this.mouseMove(event); // This already moves the div to the right position this.setText(text); ="visible"; = true; return false; } tooltip.setText = function (text) { this.tooltipText.innerHTML=text; return false; } /** * hide tooltip * call this method on the mouseout event of the html element * ex :
*/ tooltip.hide = function (event) { if (this.dom2 == false) return false; document.onmousemove=this.saveonmouseover; this.saveonmouseover=null; if (this.tooltipText != null ) { = "hidden"; this.tooltipText.innerHTML=''; } = false; } // Moves the tooltip element tooltip.mouseMove = function (e) { // we don't use "this", but tooltip because this method is assign to an event of document // and so is dreferenced if ( { tooltip.x = event.clientX; tooltip.y = event.clientY; } else { tooltip.x = e.pageX; tooltip.y = e.pageY; } tooltip.moveTo( tooltip.x +tooltip.offsetx , tooltip.y + tooltip.offsety); } // Move the tooltip element tooltip.moveTo = function (xL,yL) { if ( { xL += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; yL += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } if (this.tooltipText.clientWidth > 0 && document.documentElement.clientWidth > 0 && xL > document.documentElement.clientWidth * 0.55) { xL = xL - this.tooltipText.clientWidth - 2*this.offsetx; } = xL +"px"; = yL +"px"; xLS = xL + this.shoffsetx; yLS = yL + this.shoffsety; } // Show the content of a given comment tooltip.c_show = function (event, type, element, link, area) { // we save text of title attribute to avoid the showing of tooltip generated by browser if (this.dom2 == false ) return false; if (element == 0 && link > 0) { // It's a #0 from a comment this.ajax_delayed(event,'get_link.php?link='+link+'&area='+area); return; } if (type == 'id') { target = $('#c-'+element+'>:first'); author_target = $('#cauthor-'+element); if (target.length == 0 || author_target.length == 0) { this.ajax_delayed(event,'get_comment_tooltip.php',element+'&link='+link+'&area='+area); return; } text = ''+author_target.html()+'
'+target.html(); } else if (type == 'order') { this.ajax_delayed(event,'get_comment_tooltip.php',element+"&link="+link,area); return; } else { text = element; } return, text); } tooltip.clear = function (event) { if (this.timeout != null) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } this.hide(event); } tooltip.ajax_delayed = function (event, script, id, maxcache) { maxcache = maxcache || 600000; // 10 minutes in cache if ( return false; if ((object = this.cache.get(script+id)) != undefined) {, object[script+id]); } else {, "a carregar..."); this.timeout = setTimeout("tooltip.ajax_request('"+script+"', '"+id+"', "+maxcache+")", 100); } } tooltip.ajax_request = function(script, id, maxcache) { var url = base_url + 'backend/'+script+'?id='+id; tooltip.timeout = null; $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "html", success: function(html) { tooltip.cache.set(script+id, html, {'ttl':maxcache}); tooltip.setText(html); } }); reportAjaxStats('tooltip', 'ajax'); } function comment_reply(id) { ref = '#' + id + ' '; textarea = $('#comment'); if (textarea.length == 0 ) return; var re = new RegExp(ref); var oldtext = textarea.val(); if (oldtext.match(re)) return; if (oldtext.length > 0 && oldtext.charAt(oldtext.length-1) != "\n") oldtext = oldtext + "\n"; textarea.val(oldtext + ref); textarea.get(0).focus(); } function post_load_form(id, container) { var url = base_url + 'backend/post_edit.php?id='+id+"&key="+base_key; $.get(url, function (html) { if (html.length > 0) { if (html.match(/^ERROR:/i)) { alert(html); } else { $('#'+container).html(html); } reportAjaxStats('html', 'post_edit'); } }); } function post_new() { post_load_form(0, 'addpost'); } function post_edit(id) { post_load_form(id, 'pcontainer-'+id); } function post_reply(id, user) { ref = '@' + user + ',' + id + ' '; textarea = $('#post'); if (textarea.length == 0) { post_new(); } post_add_form_text(ref, 1); } function post_add_form_text(text, tries) { if (! tries) tries = 1; textarea = $('#post'); if (tries < 20 && textarea.length == 0) { tries++; setTimeout('post_add_form_text("'+text+'", '+tries+')', 50); return false; } if (textarea.length == 0 ) return false; var re = new RegExp(text); var oldtext = textarea.val(); if (oldtext.match(re)) return false; if (oldtext.length > 0 && oldtext.charAt(oldtext.length-1) != ' ') oldtext = oldtext + ' '; textarea.val(oldtext + text); textarea.get(0).focus(); } // See function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit) // if too long...trim it! field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); // otherwise, update 'characters left' counter else cntfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } /************************ Simple format functions **********************************/ /* Code from strongly improved by Juan Pedro López for 2006/10/01, jotape @ */ function applyTag(id, tag) { obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj) wrapText(obj, tag, tag); return false; } function wrapText(obj, tag) { if(typeof obj.selectionStart == 'number') { // Mozilla, Opera and any other true browser var start = obj.selectionStart; var end = obj.selectionEnd; if (start == end || end < start) return false; obj.value = obj.value.substring(0, start) + replaceText(obj.value.substring(start, end), tag) + obj.value.substring(end, obj.value.length); } else if(document.selection) { // Damn Explorer // Checking we are processing textarea value obj.focus(); var range = document.selection.createRange(); if(range.parentElement() != obj) return false; if (range.text == "") return false; if(typeof range.text == 'string') document.selection.createRange().text = replaceText(range.text, tag); } else obj.value += text; } function replaceText(text, tag) { return '<'+tag+'>'+text+''; } function comment_reply(id) { ref = '#' + id + ' '; textarea = $('#comment'); if (textarea.length == 0 ) return; var re = new RegExp(ref); var oldtext = textarea.val(); if (oldtext.match(re)) return; if (oldtext.length > 0 && oldtext.charAt(oldtext.length-1) != "\n") oldtext = oldtext + "\n"; textarea.val(oldtext + ref); textarea.get(0).focus(); } function post_load_form(id, container) { var url = base_url + 'backend/post_edit.php?id='+id+"&key="+base_key; $.get(url, function (html) { if (html.length > 0) { if (html.match(/^ERROR:/i)) { alert(html); } else { $('#'+container).html(html); } reportAjaxStats('html', 'post_edit'); } }); } function post_new() { post_load_form(0, 'addpost'); } function post_edit(id) { post_load_form(id, 'pcontainer-'+id); } function post_reply(id, user) { ref = '@' + user + ',' + id + ' '; textarea = $('#post'); if (textarea.length == 0) { post_new(); } post_add_form_text(ref, 1); } function post_add_form_text(text, tries) { if (! tries) tries = 1; textarea = $('#post'); if (tries < 20 && textarea.length == 0) { tries++; setTimeout('post_add_form_text("'+text+'", '+tries+')', 50); return false; } if (textarea.length == 0 ) return false; var re = new RegExp(text); var oldtext = textarea.val(); if (oldtext.match(re)) return false; if (oldtext.length > 0 && oldtext.charAt(oldtext.length-1) != ' ') oldtext = oldtext + ' '; textarea.val(oldtext + text); textarea.get(0).focus(); } // See function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) { if (field.value.length > maxlimit) // if too long...trim it! field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); // otherwise, update 'characters left' counter else cntfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; } /************************ Simple format functions **********************************/ /* Code from strongly improved by Juan Pedro López for 2006/10/01, jotape @ */ function applyTag(id, tag) { obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj) wrapText(obj, tag, tag); return false; } function wrapText(obj, tag) { if(typeof obj.selectionStart == 'number') { // Mozilla, Opera and any other true browser var start = obj.selectionStart; var end = obj.selectionEnd; if (start == end || end < start) return false; obj.value = obj.value.substring(0, start) + replaceText(obj.value.substring(start, end), tag) + obj.value.substring(end, obj.value.length); } else if(document.selection) { // Damn Explorer // Checking we are processing textarea value obj.focus(); var range = document.selection.createRange(); if(range.parentElement() != obj) return false; if (range.text == "") return false; if(typeof range.text == 'string') document.selection.createRange().text = replaceText(range.text, tag); } else obj.value += text; } function replaceText(text, tag) { return '<'+tag+'>'+text+''; }